View full rules and regulations at checkout
Lot Camping will be from April 1st to October 31st not to exceed 90 days. Time consumed after 90 days will require an additional charge of $30.00 per night. Campsites used before April 1st and after October 31st will also be charged $30.00 per day. Subleasing is NOT allowed. Accepted payments: Venmo, website or Cash.
* Campers agree to pay the predetermined lot rent set by ownership and the associated fees that accompany each lot. Campers agree to pay the predetermined fee for the amenities that are associated with each lot and camper.
* Upon sale of camper, Lot Rents are NOT transferable to the Buyers. Lot Rents are nonrefundable.
* Additional Nonrefundable nights can be purchased at the rate of:* $30.00 per day on our Venmo, website or Cash
There is a $10.00 charge for each guest per night which MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. Any guest staying past 8pm will be considered an overnight guest unless otherwise arranged with Owner or Representative in advance. NOT paying for guests will be considered theft and you will be removed from the campground with no refunds. It is your responsibility to make sure that your guests know and abide by all rules, YOU WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR CONDUCT.
* If you already know how many guests will accompany you and for the number of days, please pay in advance.
* Guests must leave by 11 AM the following day or pay an additional $10.
* Overflow Guest Parking is in the front gravel lot.
All park occupants will use the main gate to enter and exit the campground.
All non-essential appliances are to be turned off when not occupying your camper. Water is to be turned off when you leave, if left on and a leak occurs you will be billed $25 charge per occurrence. Air conditioners must be turned off when the camper is not occupied; violation of this will result in a $100 monthly charge for air conditioning. Every camper is expected to conserve electricity and water. ELECTRICAL BOXES UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should be tampered with. Hard wiring into electric is not allowed. If boxes are found hardwired there will be a $200 charge to correct it. If any problem should arise contact the owner/representative at once!!!
All sewer connections are to be air tight and made of PVC pipe, NO FLEX PIPE. Holding tanks are to be used at all times, all waste released into the campground septic system will be treated with beneficial chemicals. Only use septic safe toilet paper. DO NOT flush anything that could clog drains like tampons, paper toweling, diapers, etc.; put these articles in a plastic bag and place in the trash. You will be responsible for all charges associated with the removal and/or repairs if the clog is due to improper practice. Repairs affect everyone so be vigilant. RECREATION VEHICLE EXTERIORS. Exteriors of the Recreational Vehicles must be kept clean and neat. All utility connections must be kept safe, leak proof and in operative condition at all times. Sewage is to be held in holding tank using proper chemicals for breakdown and when near full discharged into sewage system. In no event are campers to discharge sewage directly into sewer system. All sewage valves must remain closed at all times. Unsightly materials (as determined by the managers) may not be hung from outside the Recreational Vehicle. Exterior location or storage of any icebox, stove, building material, furniture or similar items on the exterior of the Recreational Vehicle is strictly prohibited.
Campsites are to be kept neat and clean and mold free, front to back, no one wants to camp next to a dump. Campers will be washed two (2) times per season and improvements (all structures) are to be well kept and in good repair, if you can’t maintain these structures then remove them. Spray your lot and gravel for weeds and unwanted grass, if your campsite becomes unsightly with vegetation it will be sprayed at a cost of $50.00 for each time sprayed. You can choose to have the owner/representative spray the whole season for a one-time fee of $150.00 if paid in advance. DO NOT NAIL INTO OR CUT ANY TREES, NO DIGGING, NO TREE HOUSES, NO BUILDING, unless given permission, Before ANY construction it is the campers responsibility to have ALL utilities located and any damage to utilities public or private will be renters burden. ALL FIRES ARE TO BE IN A FIRE RING, NO FIRES LEFT UNATTENDED, NO WASHING OF CARS OR TRUCKS, ALL OUTSIDE REFRIGERATORS HAVE TO BE LOCKED FOR SAFETY.
NO disturbing noise after 11:00 p.m. Disturbing noise is any kind of sound that can be heard at 50’ or greater; Monroe County has a noise ordinance in place that prohibits loud noise between 10:00PM to 6:00AM. If the owner gets fined by Monroe County representatives due to disturbing noise, the fee will be passed to the responsible party or parties.
In some cases tree removal will be a shared expense that will be determined case by case otherwise it’s the burden of the camper. If a tree is dead or dying and the tree has been damaged due to “nailing” and/or metal is detected in the trunk or other means that can kill the tree the renter will be totally responsible for the removal of the tree.
Outdoor lighting will be LED type; All outdoor lighting will be turned off by 12:30 a.m.